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black and white bed linen

Babeliro aims to simplify logical thinking

Babeliro is a logical, constructed, philosophical language which aims to be syntactically unambiguous and easy to learn. It embodies the principles of Linguistic Relativity Theory, which suggests that language shapes cognition and worldview, providing intuitive tools for deductive reasoning and mental clarity.

Babeliro is formed by grammar, idiom and culture:

  • Babeliro's idiom (BABELARO) builds upon BABELIRO’s grammar, adding vocabulary for non-abstract concepts to become a functional language. BABELARO could serve as an International Auxiliary Language or as a framework for human-machine translation, among other things. Each BABELIRO term has a BABELARO synonym, acting as a more familiar or pronounceable concept inspired by diverse languages. While BABELIRO provides logical clarity, BABELARO links that logic to more intuitive expressions.

  • Babeliro's grammar (BABELIRO) is based on logical rules and designed for ease learning. Babeliro's rules are universal and can help clarify concepts in native- and second-language grammar. Babeliro has few rules and its grammatical core (BABELIRO) also few "words", yet BABELIRO is sufficient to express every abstract thought in perfect detail. BABELIRO itself is design as a constructed proto-language to create BABELARO.

  • At its core, Babeliro is both a language and a philosophy, all centred on logical thinking. It’s crafted to feel like a natural language but optimised to be accessible to the widest possible audience. Babeliro's philosophy is presented through a narrative: If Babeliro is an imaginary language, there is also an imaginary "Culture of Babel". Babel has its own calendar, its own numbers and many stories. Babeliro's idiom and grammar function independently of its philosophy; anyone can learn its structure without engaging with its philosophical aspects.

BABELIRO (the grammar) aims to bring understanding over the universal logical rules of every language. BABELARO (the idiom) aims is to be a “bridge” between its grammar and easy language learning. The philosophical component comes in of the "Culture of Babel", like the language, aims to clarify culture, not to replace it. Overall, Babeliro aims to be enjoyed in its many forms.