black and white bed linen



About the MU

The meaning of MU [W] is a bit like art or poetry, not like mathematics. MU is the original thought; we all understand it but at the same time we don’t. It is the kind of pure indifference of a child, before we learn our culture, before any rules, before any preference. When something has a MU essence, it's neither no, nor yes, and both at the same time. MU is about preferences and choices, the choice that makes you indifferent.

Ironically, being MU means "not important" (MUSERI) in Babeliro, but MU is kind of important (NOMUSERI). Every intellect, every thinking brain, in a way, feeds from MU, from unimportant things. Sometimes, they are our hobbies or leisure, sometimes things we take serious like work and family. They are all imaginary constructs that exist and do not exist, they are good and bad, because they are MU.

In Babel, it is not that the MU is important perse, rather than it is useful to be aware of what has MU essence and what hasn't. For example, water and food have NOMU-essence (important, unimaginary); nations and languages have MU-essence (unimportant, imaginary). By understanding the MU, it is possible to enjoy the collective imaginarium without deluding from it. It is about understanding how much that it is thought is imagined and unimportant, and how little is actually real and important. Both are needed and useful, but MU is MU and NOMU is NOMU. "To love" and "funny" have MU-essence, "to like" and "serious" their respective lacking opposite. They are all both needed and useful, but we fail to value and differentiate properly.

The MU has no will or aim, yet in a way is the explanation of the creation of conciseness. Like a child growing up from neither knowing nor unknowing, into clarifying truth from false through experience. Through this experience we understand the world, and create our imaginarium which feeds us MU, but also supports our NOMU needs. The imaginarium evolves into believe, believe gets diffused into knowledge, knowledge becomes misunderstanding, and misunderstand eliminates critical thinking. The MU is nothing religious, not a god or something mystic. It is the simple acknowledgment that we can know nothing; we can only believe, misunderstand, not understand or understand.