black and white bed linen



BONIBENUTI AT BABEL! (Welcome to Babel!)

Babel was born from the idea of creating a better setup for the mind. It has national symbols serving as a representation of their identity and values. The following are some of the most significant national symbols of Babel:

The National Flag and its Symbols

The Babelian flag is inspired in the relations understood in the Theory of Virtue. The flag is squared with 25 equal size squares inside it. The colours are shown here:

A1 = white (#FFFFFF); B1 = yellow (#FEFF00); C1 = blue (#2100FF); D1 = green (#008000); E1 = red (#FF0000);
A2 = yellow (#FEFF00); B2 = yellow (#FEFF00); C2 = grey (#808080); D2 = lime (#80C000); E2 = orange (#FF8000);
A3 = blue (#2100FF); B3 = grey (#808080); C3 = blue (#2100FF); D3 = marine (#074080); E3 = purple (#800080);
A4 = green (#008000); B4 = lime (#80C000); C4 = marine (#074080); D4 = green (#008000); E4 = brown (#804000);
A5 = red (#FF0000); B5 = orange (#FF8000); C5 = purple (#800080); D5 = brown (#804000); E5 = red (#FF0000)

Then inside some of the squares there's the following symbols:

A1 = the Imperial Seal of Babel; B2 = ♦; C2 = ♟︎; D2 = ♞; E2 = ♚; B3 = ♙; C3 = ♣; D3 = ♜; E3 = ♝; B4 = ♘; C4 = ♖; D4 = ♥; E4 = ♛; B5 = ♔; C5 = ♗; D5 = ♕; E5 = ♠

This symbols, derived from the Theory of Virtue, have the following meaning:

A1 = the Imperial Seal of Babel = Representing Socrates as the gadfly

The whales (GRANDIPESKOS):

B2 = ♦ (black) = Represents "inspiration"

E5 = ♠ (white) = Represents "knowledge"

C3 = ♣ (black) = Represents "cause"

D4 = ♥ (white) = Represents "will"

The fish (PESKOS):

B3 = ♙ = White pawn = Represents "the DUBI personality type"

C4 = ♖ = White rook = Represents "the HABI personality type"

B4 = ♘ = White knight = Represents "the SERI personality type"

B5 = ♔ = White king = Represents "the PODI personality type"

C5 = ♗ = White bishop = Represents "the MAKI personality type"

D5 = ♕ = White queen = Represents "the GOTI personality type"

The birds (BOLATOS):

C2 = ♟︎ = Black pawn = Represents "the XAPI personality type"

D3 = ♜ = Black rook = Represents "the YALI personality type"

D2 = ♞ = Black knight = Represents "the GIYI personality type"

E2 = ♚ = Black king = Represents "the KUESTI personality type"

E3 = ♝ = Black bishop = Represents "the LOLI personality type"

E4 = ♛ = Black queen = Represents "the LETI personality type"

Based on the Plutarch's description of the Delphic Maxims, the national colours of Babel are typically identified with black, golden and MU (Mu is a colour and also not a colour).

The other secondary colours of Babel are based on the national flag: Yellow, red, blue, green, white, orange, grey, purple, brown, lime and marine. They are often used for national celebrations but rarely for official acts.

The Motto

Babel takes inspiration for its national motto on the Delphic Maxims of the ancient Temple of Apollo in Delphi. They are the following (as interpreted in Babel):

Γνῶθι σεαυτόν (Know thyself) XENMENI MUSERAPA

Μηδὲν ἄγαν (Nothing too much) NONI DEMASO MUXIUSOAPA

Ἐγγύα πάρα δ' Ἄτα (Oath against delusion) GOTI KONTRA KUAKDUSFLUSAPA


The Philosopher's Stone

Babel takes pride in the wisdom acquired from the Philosopher's Stone. Babel's national coat of arms shows the stone with the letters of the Babelian language.

The letters are group according to their use in Babeliro. The group in black is indifferent. The group in yellow represents present. The group in blue represents future. The group in green represents present. The group in red represents eternity. The letter in grey are sounds for the basic answers (MU, KUAK, NO, SI), not proper letters.

The Imperial Seal of Babel

Babel takes particular interest in the philosophical teachings of Socrates. The gadfly in the Imperial Seal of Babel represents Socrates and the energy of the true philosopher.

The Head of State

Babel was a basal estate since the Dark Ages until Babel's War of Independence. After the war, it fell into anarchy until the creation of the Kingdom of Babel under the leadership of Victor Aurelius, the Benevolent King of Babel.

The Kingdom of Babel is an absolute monarchy ruled by a Philosopher-King. In Babel, the role of Babel's Head of Estate is not to govern for there is nothing and nobody to govern. The role of the Philosopher-King is to design Babel's culture to enhance abstract thinking.