A Foreword in English

This is a short explanation on what is Babeliro and what is not


9/21/20242 min read


As this is my opening blog-post, I will try to explain you a bit what is "Babeliro". Babeliro is the name that I am giving to this language that I am constructing out of logic. Babeliro is in a way an attempt to construct a universal language, but more importantly it is a philosophical language designed to think more logically. Babeliro is the language of the imaginary Kingdom of Babel, home of the mind. I call this land "Babel" to make this story, which is about language but also not about a language. The language, Babeliro, is the story. For in Babel, the national art is logic and the national language is a form of this art. You don't need to understand art to appreciate it and you don't need to understand Babeliro's logic to appreciate the story.

It is the story of humanity's failure to use its full potential, a failure of imagination. It is, in a way, the way it has to be because it works like this for lack of design. Nobody designed the way we behave, the way we live, the way we collaborate with each other, or the way we talk... If anything it all seems designed to fail --as if it were on purpose. Is it truly that hard to think? So it seems, for I see only thoughtless humans. When individuals think, they have control over their circumstances. If humans thought, humanity would have control over its circumstances. Understand what you control and what you do not.

Babeliro is an example of how to solve humanity's failures. Thinking, reading and connecting ideas alone to design something purely logical. I am not an academic, nor a linguist, nor a polyglot, but this is actually easy. I'm a thinker, a self-trained philosopher, not a teacher nor a writer, someone normal. I'm discovering this language through logic and so I explain this logic, the best I can. It is the logic what you need to understand, because the logic is help to understand the mind and the soul, connecting philosophy of language and mind. Thus this language is design, not just as a secondary language for international communication, but also to improve logical and language skills overall.

In the end this is an attempt of "applied philosophy" (patent pending), applying Virtue Ethics and Theory of Mind to allow individuals and society to understand their lives more successfully. This language is designed to allow the user to think more broader and clearer. It is designed to be flexible, versatile and easy to learn, useful as a tool to learn other languages and even your own. The only reason why I would not recommend to learn it is because I am horrible at explaining. I may occasionally work on this explanations, but frankly someone else will do them better.

Anyways, I hope this helps.

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